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...Grow Another Set of Wings and Fly - The New Year!

Happy New Year!

Some look at this day as a new beginning. Others simply believe that it is just the start of the next year. Whatever your position, it is a new day and year indeed!

If you are setting goals or resolutions for 2018, can I make a suggestion? For 2018, instead of setting goals and resolutions right out the gate, let's take time and truly explore ourselves. What does this mean? Let's use the first 31 days of January to take stock, explore our inner thoughts, feelings, spirit, last year's prayers or requests. Let's take time to reflect. What happened to us in 2017? What went right? What went wrong? If we could have a do over, what would that be? Where do we truly want to be and go in 2018? Do you feel stale? Is your spirit saturated with negative energy? Is the noise weighing you down? Are you tapped out? Frustrated with life, people or just in general? Why?

I believe that if issues or goals are not adequately defined or we received vague answers to questions in 2017, but gained no clarity, how do we move into 2018, make goals, resolutions or grow a new set of wings, without truly understanding where we were or who we were in 2017? Some say that the past is the past, move forward. In my younger years, I agreed with that position. However, as I have grown, I've noted that without understanding and reflection, nothing really changes, just the date and the year. (If you are good with this, then good for you!)

So, will you join me? From today until the end of the month, get out your journals from last year and reflect and/or get still just a few minutes per day and explore you. Explore the 2017 you. Reflect. Be real. Get to the root of things. If it takes longer than 31 days, take whatever time you need. After our time of reflection, then set goals, resolutions, if you must, and grow a new set of wings. It's a New Year!

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